The first two weeks of coding are already gone, so this seems like a good moment to write an update of what I have been doing lately.
SPOILER: I have been writing random code until something worked, as everyone of us developers do every day.
Before digging into the details of these two weeks work, and as my latest post was more a hello than a technical post, let me talk first about how to have a functional development environment for ROOT.
Environment Set Up
Remember the goal of this GSoC project: to make ROOT —its maths library— faster. Ok, nice, but how do we even start with this? What do we need to do just to start writing code?
First of all, we have to build the latest version of ROOT. As with every libre software project, we have to locate its repository, clone it to our machine and take a look at the building instructions.
TL;DR: open a terminal, go to any directory and type the following:
git clone
mkdir root-build
cd root-build
cmake -Dveccore=ON -Dbuiltin_veccore=ON \\
-Dvc=ON -Dbuiltin_vc=ON \\
-Dimt=ON -Droottest=ON -Dtesting=ON \\
Ok, first three lines are quite self-explanatory, but the fourth one requires some comments. As you can see, ROOT is configured through the obscure but wonderful CMake
tool, and the common syntax to prepare the build of a project like this one is something like cmake <list_of_options> <source_path>
, where each of the options follow the syntax -D<option_key>=<option_value>
Let’s see what each of the options does:
-Dveccore=ON -Dbuiltin_veccore=ON
: these two options tell ROOT to be built with support of theVecCore
library, and to use the version shipped within ROOT, not the one we could have already installed in our system.-Dvc=ON -Dbuiltin_vc=ON
: as before, these ones specify that we want support for theVc
library shipped within ROOT.-Dimt=ON
: let ROOT enable its multithreading capabilities.-Droottest=ON -Dtesting=ON
: finally, tell ROOT to build all the tests for us, we will surely need them.
After the configuration is finished —maybe you are prompted to install some required dependencies—, we can call make
and… Voilà! Project built!
Now we should have a functional development environment in our machine, with support for vectorization and parallelization. But what are those VecCore
and Vc
libraries exactly? Why do we need them?
Vectorization: Our New Best Friend
When we parallelize a code, we intend to run independent chunks of code at the same time, maybe in different CPUs, in different processors inside a GPU or even in completely different computers.
But what does vectorization means? To vectorize a code means to refactor its logic in order to compute all the operations over vectors —or arrays of values—, as opposed to operate only with scalars. In computer jargon, is a way of implementing the Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) paradigm: we apply one operation over several values.
The hardware architecture plays an important role in all this process, and it is important to understand it well in order to take advantage of its possibilities. Modern processors implement an extension to the common instruction set x86
: it adds registers that do not contain single values but an array of them —the number and size of the values are determined by the exact version of the extension, see this Wikipedia article for more information—, and instructions that operate over all the values in those special registers at once.
Obviously, we won’t work directly with the processor instructions, and so we need a library that helps us abstracting the hardware layer and that gives us an interface to work with the vectors. As you can imagine, VecCore
and Vc
are the tools we need:
is the interface we will be using every day, as it provides an “architecture independent API for expressing vector operations on data”. However,VecCore
is just that, an interface, and the hard work is done by the chosen backend: in this case, a SIMD library that implements processor-level vectorization.Vc
is the backend we will use to port our high-level code to the hardware layer. It will do the dirty work for us, and thanks toVecCore
, if everything works fine, we won’t even notice it exists. However, be thankful toVc
, our life will be way easier thanks to its existence <3
First Steps in Hacking ROOT
Ok, so we now have everything ready: ROOT is built with support for vectorization and we just met our new favourite SIMD libraries. Let’s code!
One interesting way of starting playing with the code is going to the maths files and start vectorizing everything like a mad scientist. And this is basically what I have been doing the last two weeks. Let’s see an example to understand the work that has to be done.
The file we will be tweaking will be TMath.cxx, where all the complex mathematical functions are implemented. Our work is to study each of these functions, consider if they should be vectorized —there are, for example, some functions whose vectorized version is already implemented in VecCore
— and start working on the ones that need a refactor.
The Boring Scalar Version
For example, let’s focus our attention in TMath::Gaus
—see line 447 of the previous file—, whose code is copied here:
Double_t TMath::Gaus(Double_t x, Double_t mean, Double_t sigma, Bool_t norm)
if (sigma == 0) return 1.e30;
Double_t arg = (x-mean)/sigma;
// for |arg| > 39 result is zero in double precision
if (arg < -39.0 || arg > 39.0) return 0.0;
Double_t res = TMath::Exp(-0.5*arg*arg);
if (!norm) return res;
return res/(2.50662827463100024*sigma); //sqrt(2*Pi)=2.50662827463100024
This function implements the usual Gaussian function,
which is parametrized by the mean, \(\mu\), and the variance, \(\sigma^2\). The norm
flag just specifies whether the first factor is present in the computation.
The Astonishing Ultra-Fast Vectorized Version
What we want now is to change this function to accept an array of values x
, with the parameters mean
and sigma
still being scalars.
First thing we have to do is to change the header of the function to accept a vectorized input and return a vectorized result.
Double_v TMath::Gaus(Double_v x, Double_t mean, Double_t sigma, Bool_t norm)
Look at the new type in the game: Double_v
. This type, provided by VecCore
, is defined in Math_vectypes.hxx
: it abstracts one of those special registers we talked about before, specifically, one containing a vector of doubles. In my machine, Double_v
contains just two doubles.
Ok, now to the interesting part.
First of all, we see in the scalar version that if \(\sigma = 0\), we just return an infinity value. As VecCore
handles very well the conversion between a scalar and a vector —it just sets every value in the vector to the scalar value—, we can just return \(\infty\) as before:
if (sigma == 0)
return 1.e30;
In any other case, we can compute the value of the exponent \(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}\). Now, however, \(x\) is a vector, so the exponent will also be a vector. Again, as VecCore
handles really well the basic operations between vector and scalars, we can just change the type of the variable arg
and let VecCore
do its magic:
Double_v arg = (x-mean)/sigma;
The next thing we encounter in the original code is an if
statement, whose condition depends on the values of the –now vector— variable arg
. The operations where the code branches depending on a vector value have to be studied with care: some input values can make the conditions true and others might make it false. What we need now is a way to specify which values satisfy the condition and which values don’t.
Fortunately, VecCore
provides an interesting tool to handle these issues: the masks. A mask can be seen as the vectorized version of a boolean: think of it as a vector where each position stores either a true
or a false
. These masks can be used to handle the code logic, using what is known as a masked assign: to set the values of a vector where the mask has a true
to some result we want. Let’s see some code and explain it later:
// for |arg| > 39 result is zero in double precision
vecCore::Mask_v<Double_v> mask = !(arg < -39.0 || arg > 39.0);
// Initialize the result to 0.0
Double_v res(0.0);
// Compute the function only when the arg meets the criteria, using the mask computed before
vecCore::MaskedAssign<Double_v>(res, mask, vecCore::math::Exp<Double_v>(-0.5 * arg * arg));
First things first: we compute the mask as we could compute any boolean condition: with the usual relational operators —now applied to vectors—. We store the mask in a new type, again provided by VecCore
: vecCore::Mask_v<Double_v>
, which is templated by its base scalar value —remember that the length of the vectors differ depending on the size of the base types, so we can have, for example, vectors of four integers and vectors of two doubles; then, it is important for the mask to know the base type in order to know how many values to store—.
Note that we have computed the mask where \(\vert arg \vert \leq 39\); e.g., the mask is true
where the final values will be different than 0.0
. So what we do next is to default all values in the result vector to zero, and compute the interesting ones using the mask.
The last line is where the magic happens: we tell VecCore
to set res
to the value of the exponential considering only the positions of the vector seen through the mask
. That is one nice line of code.
The last two lines can be condensed in just one, using the function Blend
provided by VecCore
: Blend
reads a mask and two inputs, and returns a vector where the values depend on the mask: the ones where the mask is true
are set to the values of the first input, whereas the ones where the mask is false
are set to the values of the second one. Let’s see how we can do that:
// Compute the two input to be blended by the mask
Double_v exponential = vecCore::math::Exp<Double_v>(-0.5 * arg * arg);
Double_v zero = 0.0;
Double_v res = vecCore::Blend(mask, exponential, zero);
As you can see, Blend
is like a vectorized one-liner if-else
. Isn’t it elegant?
To finish the work, we should check the flag norm
and act consequently, but VecCore
and Vc
make our life easier so we don’t have to change anything :) To summarise, take a look at the final code:
Double_v TMath::Gaus(Double_v x, Double_t mean, Double_t sigma, Bool_t norm)
if (sigma == 0)
return 1.e30;
Double_v arg = (x-mean)/sigma;
// for |arg| > 39 result is zero in double precision
vecCore::Mask_v<Double_v> mask = !(arg < -39.0 || arg > 39.0);
// Initialize the result to 0.0
Double_v res(0.0);
// Compute the function only when the arg meets the criteria, using the mask computed before
vecCore::MaskedAssign<Double_v>(res, mask, vecCore::math::Exp<Double_v>(-0.5 * arg * arg));
if (!norm)
return res;
return res/(2.50662827463100024*sigma); //sqrt(2*Pi)=2.50662827463100024
Testing The Changes
We now have an idea of how to implement the new versions of the maths functions, but there is still one thing we have not discussed: the code tests. Testing your code is more important than writing it —ok, that’s not true, but it is really important—, so let’s take a quick look at how we handle this. Although the testing suite in ROOT is a little bit complex, we will try to just understand how to implement and register a test using the Google Test framework.
ROOT uses ctest
, the testing tool from CMake, to manage all tests in its codebase. The CMake configuration provides a series of tools to register the implemented tests, but the one where we will focus our attention is the function ROOT_ADD_GTEST
Suppose we have our test implemented in the file math/mathcore/test/vectorization/testTMathStatistic.cxx
. Then, we just need to modify the file math/mathcore/test/CMakeLists.txt
and add these lines at the end:
ROOT_ADD_GTEST(vectorizationTest vectorization/testTMathStatistic.cxx
LIBRARIES Core MathCore)
This chunk of code first checks whether ROOT has been built with VecCore
. If this is true, then it adds a Google Test named vectorizationTest
, which is implemented in the file with relative path vectorization/testTMathStatistic.cxx
, and link it to the Core
and MathCore
libraries. To understand the details behind the ROOT_ADD_GTEST
function, just read its implementation.
Once we build ROOT with our changes, we will be able to execute the test with the following command:
ctest -R vectorizationTest
Hopefully, if everything is fine, we will see a beautiful succesful test output.
Ok, but what does a test look like? This is really well explained in the Google Test documentation, so I will just let the code here for testing the vectorized version of TMath::Gaus
and you just stay tuned for future posts, I will explain it in detail!
* Common data and set up for testing vectorized functions from TMath
class TVectorizedMathTest : public ::testing::Test {
TVectorizedMathTest() {
// Randomize input data and parameters
TRandom1 rndmzr;
rndmzr.RndmArray(fInputSize * vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>(), fLinearInput);
rndmzr.RndmArray(fInputSize, fMean);
rndmzr.RndmArray(fInputSize, fSigma);
// Set -100 < mean < 100 and 0 < sigma < 200
for (size_t i = 0; i < fInputSize; i++) {
fMean[i] = fMean[i] * 200 - 100;
fSigma[i] *= 200;
// Copy input linear data to the vectorized array
for (size_t caseIdx = 0; caseIdx < fInputSize; caseIdx++) {
for (size_t vecIdx = 0; vecIdx < vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>(); vecIdx++) {
vecCore::Set(fVectorInput[caseIdx], vecIdx,
fLinearInput[vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>() * caseIdx + vecIdx]);
// Data available to all tests in this suite
static const int fInputSize = 100000;
// Vectorized and linear input
Double_v fVectorInput[fInputSize];
Double_t fLinearInput[fInputSize * vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>()];
// Vectorized and linear output
Double_v fVectorOutput[fInputSize];
Double_t fLinearOutput[fInputSize * vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>()];
// Parameters vector
Double_t fMean[fInputSize];
Double_t fSigma[fInputSize];
* Test vectorized TMath::Gaus function
TEST_F(TVectorizedMathTest, VectorizedGaus) {
// Compute the vectorized output
for (size_t caseIdx = 0; caseIdx < fInputSize; caseIdx++) {
fVectorOutput[caseIdx] = TMath::Gaus(fVectorInput[caseIdx], fMean[caseIdx], fSigma[caseIdx]);
// Compute the linear output
for (size_t caseIdx = 0; caseIdx < fInputSize; caseIdx++) {
for (size_t vecIdx = 0; vecIdx < vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>(); vecIdx++) {
size_t linear_index = caseIdx * vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>() + vecIdx;
fLinearOutput[linear_index] = TMath::Gaus(fLinearInput[linear_index], fMean[caseIdx], fSigma[caseIdx]);
// Compare linear and vectorized output
for (size_t caseIdx = 0; caseIdx < fInputSize; caseIdx++) {
for (size_t vecIdx = 0; vecIdx < vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>(); vecIdx++) {
size_t linear_index = caseIdx * vecCore::VectorSize<Double_v>() + vecIdx;
EXPECT_NEAR(fLinearOutput[linear_index], vecCore::Get(fVectorOutput[caseIdx], vecIdx), 1e-15);
#endif // R__HAS_VECCORE
This first two weeks have been quite fun and I learned a lot: I now understand a lot more about VecCore
and Vc
than before and a bunch of functions have been vectorized. Until now, the followings functions are vectorized and tested:
To vectorize these first functions took waaaaaaaay longer than expected, but I am now more confident with my code and I expect to finish this first vectorization batch at the end of the week. In fact, according to the initial schedule, my first Pull Request should be submitted at the end of this week!
I will keep you updated, so stay tuned and happy libre hacking!